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Common mistakes women make while trying to get pregnant that may actually be working against them
Why "normal" lab results doesn't always mean everything is fine
How to quickly breakdown the barriers to conception
The three step approach to quickly boosting your fertility and egg quality naturally
What I discovered was frustrating but not surprising: infertility is often poorly managed in the mainstream medical system.
Most doctors don’t run the right tests—or if they do, they often misinterpret them. Instead of finding and fixing the root cause, the usual answer is synthetic drugs or invasive procedures that don’t actually restore your body’s ability to conceive.
And that’s why so many women are still struggling.
As a Functional Bloodwork Specialist, I take a different approach. I analyze your labs through a functional lens and assess other symptoms your doctor may have dismissed—things that could be key indicators of what your body truly needs to restore fertility. Because when you address the real issue, your body has the ability to do what it was designed to do—naturally.
"Forever Grateful"
"After 3 years of trying to get pregnant and the medical system told us IVF was the only option we had left, I decided to do Angie's Fertility Restoration Program. She was very helpful and intentional in assisting us and just 6 months after starting her program, we were finally pregnant without any intervention! We are forever grateful and thank you from the bottom of out hearts. God Bless."
- Russel C.
"Pregnant after 1 month"
"In my mid 30's after trying to get pregnant for nearly a year without success, I was feeling hopeless. That's when I began Angie's program, following her three secrets to fertility health. To my surprise and joy I was pregnant within a month! I highly recommend her program to anyone struggling to conceive."
- Sarah L.